
Rebecca Njeri


Birthday: 13th of May 2012

My name is Rebecca Njeri. I am 13 years old, born on May 13, 2012, and I have a birth certificate. I live with my mother and two siblings. My mother does casual jobs to provide for the family. My parents separated two years ago due to my father’s violence. There are no cases of violence or alcoholism in our family or neighborhood. My dream is to become a lawyer to advocate for children. I love dancing and singing. Orange is my favorite color because it’s bright like me. What I like about school is doing group work with my classmates and learning new things.

Um Rebecca zur Schule zu schicken und sie mit Schulmaterial und Uniform auszustatten, bitten wir um 9,00 € pro Monat (108,00 € pro Jahr) 



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